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Beginner Watercolour Lessons

Beginners Watercolour Course

Beginners Watercolour Course

Beginners Watercolour Course
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Beginners Watercolour Lesson 2

Beginners Watercolour Lesson 2

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Beginners Watercolour Lesson One

Beginners Watercolour Lesson One

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A New Approach

Are you fed up with trying to follow youtube videos and getting no real understanding? My beginners course has successfully given new understanding, to those joining my "in person" classes and are NOW AVAILABLE for instant access online classes!


Let me talk you through how to use different watercolour techniques to paint your own works or art in your own style. My beginners watercolour classes are proven to give you the skills and confidence you need to get you started in your watercolour journey. 

Lesson One

Materials and Supplies

Fundamental Techniques including brush and water control

Start your watercolour journey with this thorough walk through materials and basic brush, paint and water control. 

Lesson Two

Washes, Skies, Clouds and Simple water

Build on your watercolour fundamentals learnt in lesson one with this walk through basic washes creating clouds and basic seascapes to use as a base for creating landscape paintings.

Lesson Three

Still Life/ Form

Looking into form by studying the shapes cast by shadows and highlights on still life objects. This quick method of study will help you focus on the shape and form while not worrying too much about the finished painting. 

This Lesson would work well as a stand alone for those who know how to use watercolour paints but struggle with form or creating depth.

Lesson Four

Soft floral painting

Pull together some of the skills learnt in the first three lessons to create a soft floral landscape. 

This Lesson sits well as a stand alone lesson for those with some basic watercolour control.

Lesson Five

​Lets paint a landscape

This lesson looks at building layers to create depth and interest. From washes for skies to details in foregrounds. Two different landscapes are covered in this session, one mountain scape and one tree lined river.

This lesson would be suitable as a stand alone for those with confidence with some basic watercolour knowledge.

​Lesson Six


Taking everything we have learnt through the course from water control to layering techniques we put them all together to paint an animal portrait.

This lesson would be suitable as a stand alone for those with a basic understanding of water control and how to layer watercolours.

© 2024 Emma Keys 

All images on this site are copy right to Emma Keys

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